We designed this blog to enable our family and friends the opportunity to watch Colton and Austin grow up. The pictures and the commentary consist of our most recent life adventures.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Howard Prairie

We went up to Howard Prairie Reservoir this Sunday.  We met Candy, Wells, and Taylor for a day of mushroom hunting.  It was a great time.  Colton and Taylor got to ride their motorcycles, we found a few morels, and Uncle Wells did a spectacular job on the hot dogs and hamburgers.

Wells getting the grill going.

Colton got a chance to ride hes atv.  We still need to work on throttle control and steering.  It was pretty scary being his passenger.

Taylor rode his motorcycle all over the place.

Austin wanted a ride and then didn't want to ever get off.

Aunt Candy roasting marshmallows.

Austin and I.  Sorry, no pics of Brandy this time, you're stuck with me.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Oregon Zoo

We went to the Oregon Zoo over the weekend.  When Brandy and I were kids, it was known as the Portland Zoo.  The kids had a good time.  Unfortunately, it was the first sunny Saturday that Portland had seen in a while.  Everybody showed up.  It was definitely crowded.

Colton wasn't very tall when it came to the bears.

However, he was pretty close to matching the height of an orangutan.

This was one of the few cats out.  The rest were hiding in the shade.

Colton, aka "Batman", had to go into the bat cave.

The highlight of the zoo trip for Colton was the half hour train trip to Washington Park and back to the zoo.

Colt fell asleep on the way back from the zoo.